Say hello to the new you

Finally say goodbye to excess weight and emotional eating and say hello to a new feeling of physical and mental lightness! Use the power of the subconscious mind to achieve effective weight loss and long-term health and vitality!

Let me guide you on your personal transformative journey to a brand new body and outlook on life.

Sound familiar to you?

  • What a day! Your boss is in a bad mood. A co-worker tries to dump their work on you. On the way home, you get stuck in traffic for an hour. You actually wanted to go to a yoga class and then have a light, healthy dinner but who has the energy for that after a day like this? So instead, it’s Netflix and pizza on the couch again this evening. You feel like a failure and firmly resolve to do everything differently tomorrow …
  • The piles of laundry are stacking up. The deadline for your tax return is relentlessly approaching, and your desk is a total mess. You don’t know where or how to start. You suppress your panic with ice cream…
  • You’re at a loss what to do with yourself. Boredom, deafening silence. There’s this emptiness inside you that you just can’t fill. You stuff yourself with food, which distracts and comforts you – but it’s only ever temporary…

It’s not just a question of discipline

There is no shortage of good advice on healthy eating: avoid crash diets; take small steps; establish healthy habits; eat food that keeps you full for a long time; consciously indulge and enjoy yourself from time to time.

Sounds simple. And logical. There’s just one problem: a large part of our behavior is driven by feelings, beliefs, conditioning and emotional connections that we are not even aware of and therefore cannot influence at will. They are buried deep in our subconscious. Unless we recognize and resolve these patterns, they will continue to get in our way. Even the best diet plan and cast-iron discipline will not help.

Understand emotional eating,
eliminate causes

This is precisely where my holistic nutrition coaching comes in. Together we will identify and resolve the underlying causes of your eating behavior. I will provide you with lots of valuable information and methods that you can use to free yourself from unwanted behavior patterns. You will learn the healthy way to deal with stress and negative feelings. You will no longer be at their mercy – you will decide for yourself how you react.

How we will achieve this together

The expert and compassionate support I provide will enable you to achieve your ideal weight at your own pace in a healthy, effective and sustainable way.

In addition to the online course, we will meet at regular intervals over a period of 3-6 months for 1 on 1 sessions that deliver tailored nutritional advice as well as targeted mental coaching.

Watch the video to find out more about the many ways my online program will benefit you.

5 milestone of your transformation

What my clients say

“Dear Marco, words cannot describe how amazingly valuable the service you provide is. The way you combine your expertise and personal experience of nutritional coaching with your ability to quickly identify what blocks us mentally and find individual solutions is simply an unbeatable formula for leading a life of long-lasting lightness! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
Nicole from Steinhagen

“It was one of the best decisions of my life to book this course. It has changed me for the better. The nutrition program was extremely interesting and informative, excellently explained and easy to put into practice. The best thing about it is that the pounds fall off effortlessly. The 1 on 1 sessions were intense and very healing. It was easy for me to let go, trust myself and also shed the emotional weight. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Marco.”

Cristina from Switzerland

“I reached my target weight after 12 weeks and I have kept it that way! Thank you Marco! The sessions made a lot of sense, the nutritional advice was wonderful and included plenty of additional tools from other areas! I particularly enjoy listening to the journey of the imagination & the meditations, simply the best!!!! Thank you for your amazingly compassionate work!”

Birgit from Ingolstadt

“With Marco’s help, I set out on a journey to find myself and discover the real reasons for why I wasn’t losing weight. I now really enjoy my new diet and I see it as something that benefits me and my family without feeling I am missing out on anything! It’s just great to get closer to your goal in a very SIMPLE way! I would do it again and again, the coaching was absolutely the right thing for me to do! THANK YOU Marco!”

Melanie from Pfalz

A new sense of well-being
is waiting for you!

Finally, no more guilty conscience, no more sluggishness, no more worrying about poor health and illness. Instead, you will gain a zest for life and new energy to fulfill the things that are really important to you. You are more than just your body. Your soul and spirit also need to be nourished. And there is no separating the two: if you nourish your soul, you no longer need to stuff your body with fat and sugar to feel good. And if you give your body what it needs in the form of wholesome and above all nourishing food, your mind and soul will flourish.

What you can expect

I believe that everyone deserves to live a carefree and happy life! That’s why I am passionate about helping my clients achieve their ideal weight!

Through a combination of nutritional advice and mental coaching, you benefit from a holistic approach to food that will help you finally achieve the breakthrough you have always wanted. By freeing yourself of physical and mental ballast, you will gain a completely new and enduring sense of physical and emotional well-being.

Are you ready?

Do you feel the desire to discover the new you? Are you ready to cast off old baggage? To enjoy a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing? Then start your personal transformation journey today!

Book your free discovery call:

Next steps

Who I am

After devoting many years to the fields of nutrition, personal development and coaching, I officially made it my calling in 2019. Nutrition is so much more than just what we eat. It’s also about taking a holistic view of how we NOURISH ourselves… and this includes the mind, with all of our daily (unconscious) thoughts and actions that ultimately determine our entire lives.